Charles Ringma
Charles was born in Hengelo, Holland in 1942 as Keimpe Ritske Ringma, and lived in the small Friesian town of Franeker until 1952. That year his parents migrated to Australia and settled in Meeanjin (Brisbane).
He became a printer on completing his primary school education and after finishing university entrance qualifications trained for the ministry, at which time he established Teen Challenge in Australia.
For over a decade, 1971-1984, he led the fight against drug abuse in the community and developed a wide range of social welfare services as well as training programs in Australia. He was a frequent speaker at Youth Conferences and on University and College campuses.
From 1984, Charles was involved in post-graduate study at the University of Queensland, social science research, writing and various areas of ministry.
In 1991, he was appointed as a lecturer at the Asian Theological Seminary (ATS), Metro Manila, Philippines and was also involved in work with the urban poor. In 1995 he was appointed Professor of Theology and Mission at ATS. In 1997 he was appointed as Professor of Missions and Evangelism to the faculty of Regent College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, while continuing to teach part-time in various Asian countries. In August 2005 he retired as Emeritus Professor from Regent College.
Since 1991 Charles has been writing and editing non-fiction books and has over 30 publications, most recently a significant work on missional spirituality published by Langham Global, "In the Midst of Much Doing".
Charles continues to write daily, is a keen veggie gardener and plants rain forest trees in a nature corridor near his home in Meeanjin (Brisbane), Australia.
ThGrad (Hons), Ministerial training course, Reformed Theological College, Geelong, Australia (1962-1967)​
Summer Institute of Linguistics Training Course, Emmanuel College, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (1967)​
BA in Sociology and Studies in Religion, The University of Queensland (1976-1984).
MA (Qual) Thesis “Towards a Sociological Approach to the Study of Early Christianity,” Studies in Religion Department, The University of Queensland (1984-1986)​
BD Thesis “A Critical Evaluation of the Ecclesiology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer,” Reformed Theological College (1986)​
MLitSt Degree in the Studies in Religion Department, The University of Queensland, majoring in the study of the “Hermeneutics of Dilthey, Gadamer and Habermas” (1986-1987)​
PhD Thesis, Studies in Religion Department, The University of Queensland, on a critical application of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics to Feminist, Black and Liberation theologies (1987-1991)
Whispers: Poems From A Thin Place. Aureolin Blue (2025)
A Pocket Christian Catechism: Keeping the Faith in the Challenges of the 21st Century. Resource Publications, Wipf & Stock (2024)
In the Midst of Much Doing: Cultivating a Missional Spirituality. Langham Global (2023)
When All Else Fails: Poetic Wisdom. Resource Publications, Wipf & Stock (2021)
A Fragile Hope: Cultivating a Hermitage of the Heart. Cascade (2021)
Pub Theology: Where Potato Wedges and a Beer are a Eucharistic Experience. Eds. C. Ringma & I. Alexander.
With Your Latte: A Little Wisdom to Lighten Your Way. Wipf & Stock (2020)
How Long, O Lord? The Challenge and Promise of Reconciliation and Peace. Eds. A. Gorospe & C. Ringma. Langham Global Library (2018)
Chase Two Horses: Proverbs and Sayings for an Everyday Spirituality. Piquant Editions (2018)
Sabbath Time: A Hermitage Journey of Retreat, Return & Communion. Piquant Editions (2017)
Why, O God? Disaster, Resiliency, and the People of God. Eds. A. Gorospe, C. Ringma, K. Hollenbeck-Wuest (2017)
Judges: A Pastoral & Contextual Commentary. A. Gorospe and C. Ringma. Langham Global Library (2016)
God at the Borders: Globalization, Migration, Diaspora. Eds. C. Ringma, K. Hollenbeck-Wuest, A. Gorospe. OMF Lit. (2015)
The Art of Healing Prayers. C. Ringma & M. Dickau. SPCK (2015)
Of Martyrs, Monks and Mystics: A Yearly Meditational Reader of Ancient Spiritual Wisdom. Eds. C. Ringma & I. Alexander. Cascade (2015)
In the Footsteps of an Ancient Faith: Living the Ancient Faith in the Modern World. Regent College Publishing (2015)
Walking with God: Christian Spirituality in an Asian Context. Eds. C. Ringma & K. Hollenbeck-Wuest. OMF Lit. (2014)
Hear the Ancient Wisdom: Daily Readings from the Early Church to the Reformation. SPCK/Cascade (2013)
Ragged Edges: Poems from the Margins. Regent College Publishing (2008)
Finding Naasicaa: Letters of Hope in an Age of Anxiety. Regent College Publishing (2006)
The Seeking Heart with Henri Nouwen. Paraclete Press (2006); Hear the Heart Beat with Henri Nouwen. SPCK (2006); Hear the Heartbeat with Henri Nouwen: Reflections on the Way of the Seeking Heart. Regent College Publishing (2014)
Whispers from the Edge of Eternity. Regent College Publishing (2005)
Let My People Go with Martin Luther King. Jr. Pinon Press (2004); Regent College Publishing (2008)
Wash the Feet of the World with Mother Teresa. Pinon Press (2004); Regent College Publishing (2008)
Seek the Silences with Thomas Merton. SPCK (2003); Regent College Publishing (2014)
Gadamer’s Dialogical Hermeneutic. Heidelberg Universitatsverlag C. Winter (1999)
Cry Freedom with Voices from the Third World. Albatross (1998)
Life in Full Stride. OMF Lit. (1996); Regent College Publishing (2004)
Resist the Powers with Jacques Ellul. Albatross (1995); Pinon Press (2000); Regent College Publishing (2009)
Catch the Wind: Church Where People Matter. Albatross (1995); Regent College Publishing (2005). Joint winner in 1995 of the Australian Christian Book of the Year Award
Dare to Journey with Henri Nouwen. Albatross (1992); Pinon Press (2000)
Seize the Day with Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Albatross (1991); Pinon Press (2000)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Selected Publications
Chapters in Books​​
“The Moravian Response: Their Word to the Eighties,” in Comfort or Crisis: Living Christianly in the Eighties. Editor A. Gill, et. al. Chipping North: NSW: Hexagon Press, 1980, pp. 67-83.
“God’s Spirit and the Poor: Towards an Incarnational and Integral Missional Spirituality,” in Following Fire: How the Spirit Leads Us to Fight Injustice. Editor C. Catford. Springvale, VIC: Urban Neighbours of Hope, 2008, pp. 42-55.
“Liberation Theologians Speak to Evangelicals: A Theology and Praxis of Serving the Poor,” in The Church and Poverty in Asia. Editor L. Wanak. Manila: OMF Lit., 2008, pp. 7-53.
“A Safe Place for Radical Conversations,” in Learnings: Lessons We Are Learning About Living Together. Editors D. Andrews & H. Beazley. Woolloongabba, QLD: Frank Communications, 2010, pp. 147-150.
“Liberation Theologians Speak to Evangelicals: A Theology and Praxis of Serving the Poor,” in Bearings. Editors H. Beazley & D. Andrews. West End, QLD: Frank Communications, 2011, pp. 99-156.
“Hear the Ancient Wisdom: Medieval Christian Mystics Speak to Present-Day Asian Evangelicals,” in Walking with God: Christian Spirituality in the Asian Context. Editors C. Ringma & K. Hollenbeck-Wuest. Manila: OMF Lit., 2014, pp. 112-126.
“An Introduction by a Christian Scholar,” in D. Andrews, Isa: Christian – Muslim Ramadan Reflections. Northcote, VIC: Morning Star Publishing, 2014, pp. 7-10.
“Franciscan Peacemaking: Making Connections with the Wider Christian Tradition,” in How Long, O Lord? : The Challenge and Promise of Reconciliation and Peace. Eds. Athena E. Gorospe and Charles R. Ringma. Carlisle, UK: Langham Global Library, 2018, pp. 163-186.
“In the World and Sore Afraid: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Living in Fearful Times,” in Fear and Faith: Christian, Jewish and Evolutionary Perspectives. Ed. Rachael Kohn. Adelaide, SA: ATF, 2019, pp. 1-12.
“Migration and the Migrant God,” in Pub Theology: Where Potato Wedges and a Beer are a Eucharistic Experience. Eds. Irene Alexander and Charles Ringma. Manchester, UK: Piquant Editions, 2021, pp. 7-12.
“Mourning, Comfort, and the ‘New Normal’” (Charles Ringma and Christopher Brown), in To Whom Shall We Go: Faith Responses in a Time of Crisis. Eds. Irene Alexander and Christopher Brown. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2021, pp. 12-21.
“In the World and Not Afraid,” in To Whom Shall We Go: Faith Responses in a Time of Crisis. Eds. Irene Alexander and Christopher Brown. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2021, pp. 91-101.
“A Vigil in Times of Tragedy and Injustice,” in To Whom Shall We Go: Faith Responses in a Time of Crisis. Eds. Irene Alexander and Christopher Brown. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2021, pp. 126-135.
Forewords and Introductions to Books​
“Introducing Dave Andrews,” in D. Andrews & D. Engwicht, Can You Hear the Heartbeat? Manila: OMF Lit., 1995, pp. ii-v.
“Foreword,” in J. M. Craig, Servants Among the Poor. Manila: OMF Lit., 1998, pp. 7-9.
“Foreword,” in D. Andrew, Not Religion, But Love: Practising a Radical Spirituality of Compassion. Oxford: Lion, 2001, pp. 9-12.
“Foreword,” in R. Paul Stevens, Down-to-Earth Spirituality: Encountering God in the Ordinary, Boring Stuff of Life. Downers Grove, IL, 2003, pp. 9-10.
“Foreword,” in J. Grant-Thomson, Jodie’s Story: The Life of Jodie Cadman. Vancouver, Regent College Publishing, 2003, pp. v-vi.
“Foreword,” in S. Palugod, Toward the Abundant Life: Transforming Lives, Transforming Communities. Manila: OMF Lit., 2008, pp. v-ix.
“Foreword,” in T. Dickau, Plunging into the Kingdom Way: Practising the Shared Strokes of Community, Hospitality, Justice and Confession. New Monastic Library. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2011, pp. ix-xiii.
“Foreword,” in J. & J. Duckworth, Against the Tide, Towards the Kingdom. New Monastic Library. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2011, pp. ix-xi.
“Foreword,” in I. Alexander, A Glimpse of the Kingdom in Academia: Academic Formation as Radical Discipleship.New Monastic Library. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2013, pp. ix-xii.​
“Foreword,” in C. Byrne, Dear Brothers and Sisters: Letters to My People and Prayers to My God. Editor M. Ingram. Perth: PrintPlus, 2017, pp. 9-10.​
“Foreword” in K. Kreminski,Urban Spirituality: Embodying God’s Mission in the Neighbourhood. Skyforest, CA: Urban Loft Publishers, 2018, p. 7-8.​
“Foreword” in Paul Cummings, Living a Sheltered Life: Christian Life Lessons through Homeless Youth. Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2019, pp. ix-x.
Edited Books​
C. Ringma & K. Hollenbeck-Wuest, eds., Walking with God: Christian Spirituality in an Asian Context. Manila: OMF Lit., 2014.​
C. Ringma, K. Hollenbeck-Wuest & A. Gorospe, eds., God at the Borders: Globalisation, Migration and Disaspora. Manila: OMF Lit., 2016.​
A. Gorospe, C. Ringma & K. Hollenbeck-Wuest, eds., Why, O God? Disaster, Resiliency and the People of God. Manila: OMF Lit., 2017.​
Athena E. Gorospe and Charles R. Ringma, eds., How Long, O Lord? : The Challenge and Promise of Reconciliation and Peace. Carlisle, UK: Langham Global Library, 2018.
Irene Alexander and Charles Ringma, eds., Pub Theology: Where Potato Wedges and a Beer are a Eucharistic Experience. Manchester, UK: Piquant Editions, 2021.
Book Recommendations by Ringma on Book Covers​
W. D. Taylor, ed., Global Missiology for the 21stCentury: The Iguassu Dialogue. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2000.​
S. H. Skreslet, Picturing Christian Witness: New Testament Images of Disciples in Mission. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006.​
B. van den Toren, Reasons for My Hope: Responding to Non-Christian Friends. Oxford: Monarch Books, 2010.​
A. Alexander, Practicing the Presence of Jesus: Contemporary Meditation.Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011.​
A. Barker, Slum Life Rising: How to Enflesh Hope in a New Urban World. Dandenong, VIC: Urban Neighbours of Hope, 2012.​
C. Brown, Reflected Love: Companioning in the Way of Jesus. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2012.​
G. Shangkuan Koo, Raising Wise Dads, Moms & Kids. Makati City, Philippines: Church Strengthening Ministries, 2012.​
A. Alexander, Stories of Transformation and Hope: Mary’s Gospel. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2013.​
P. Tyson, Faith’s Knowledge: Explorations into the Theory and Application of Theological Epistomology. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2013.​
A. Barker, Risky Compassion. Birmingham, UK: Urban Life Together Publishing, 2014.​
J. Ellul, If You are the Son of God: The Suffering and Temptations of Jesus.Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014.​
M. Mah, Garden of the Soul: Exploring Metaphorical Landscapes of Spirituality. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2014. ​
A. Shepherd, The Gift of the Other: Levinas, Derrida, and a Theology of Hospitality.Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2014.​
S-K. Tan, Fullness Received and Returned: Trinity and Participation in Jonathan Edwards. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014. ​
P. Tyson, Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for Our Times. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014.​
W. Hernandez, Mere Spirituality: The Spiritual Life According to Henri Nouwen. Woodstock, VT: Skylight Paths Publishing, 2015. ​
J. Steward, From Genocide to Generosity: Hatreds Heal on Rwanda’s Hills.Carlisle, UK: Langham Global Library, 2015.​
J. L. Manton, An Ordinary Bloke: The Making of a Modern Mystic. Northcote, VIC: Morning Star Publishing, 2016.​
T. Smith, God in Disguise. Vancouver: CreateSpace, 2017.​
J. Nambu, Gentle Disciplines: Learning to be Vulnerable, Compassionate, Prayerful, and Wise. Manila: OMF. Lit. Inc., 2017.​
T. Nambu, Leaping and Dancing: The Stories of Samaritana. Manila: OMF. Lit. Inc., 2017.​
M. Lim Go, Standing Stones of Grace: Finding Light in the Shadows. Manila: OMF. Lit. Inc., 2017.​
K. Giles, What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018.​
T. Gatfield, Benson and Narratives of the Organic Christian Life. Reservoir, VIC: Morning Star Publications, 2019.​
P. Cummings, In the Twinkling of an Eye: Transforming the Heart One Miracle at a Time. Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2019.​
E. T. Manaloto, Let the Church Meet in Your House: The Theological Foundation of the New Testament House Church. Carlisle, UK: Langham Global Library, 2019.​
R. Paul Stevens & Clive Lim, Money Matters: Faith, Life, and Wealth. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2021.
Tim Dickau, Forming Christian Communities in a Secular Age: Recovering Humility and Hope. Canada: Tyndale Academic, 2021.​
Mike Wallbridge, The Silent Jesus: Learning from Our Lord’s Life of Prayer. Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2021.​
Pieter Kwant, Inside the Rainbow: Seeing and Doing the Book of Revelation. Vol. I, UK: Piquant Editions, 2021